21st Century Club Draw 2015
Due to timing constraints at this year’s Provincial Grand Lodge the draw for the 21st Century Club
will take place on FRIDAY 24th APRIL 2015.
It will be made during the “Blackpool Festival” meeting with the prize winners being announced at the festive board following the meeting.
If you are not already a member now is the time to join and if you are an existing member who pays by cash each year please ensure that you have paid by the above date to participate in the draw.
For those members who pay by standing order the change of date will not affect you.
PRIZES for 2015 are as follows:-
1st prize
2nd prize
3rd prize
4th to 7th prize
  £100.00 each
8th to 11th prize
  £  50.00 each
Eleven chances to win with total prize monies of £2000.00 plus also helping our Mark Charities with a similar amount.
Contact either W.Bro Howard Emmett  (01253 312320) or W.Bro Frank Thomas (0151 424 7484) both of whom will be delighted to take your money and enter you into the draw.
V.W.Bro M J Clarke

Chairman Mark Charities